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Arizona's Take on COVID-19

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

School is starting again in October, public spaces are reopening, and people are starting to crowd more and more. Arizona is leaving quarantine and the government is making an effort to do this safely and cautiously.

Since March, COVID-19 has been very prevalent throughout the United States, but Arizona once was one of the hotspots for the virus. The virus is still present, but Arizona is getting fewer and fewer cases by the month. The state’s governor, Doug Ducey states, “Over recent weeks, Arizona has made significant progress to contain the spread of COVID-19, but we cannot let up, COVID-19 remains widespread in our communities, putting lives and public health at risk.” Ducey also stated that they are taking a calm and steady approach to slow down COVID-19 and keep citizens safe.

Along with slowing down the virus, Arizona is aiming to do this whole process safely. “The Office of Governor Ducey” official website said, “It is time to move forward with the next steps of Arizona’s economic recovery — while continuing to make health and safety our number one priority.” Currently, the Governor wants Arizona to keep doing what made them safe in the first place. For example, wearing masks, staying physically distanced, avoiding grouping in a large crowd, and staying home as much as possible are the current recommendations.

As places are reopening their doors back up, citizens are split on how to integrate their daily life back into their schedule. Lately, many people have been deciding to stay quarantined, but others have been still going out in public. Brian Scruggs, the Chief Operating Officer to the technology company “ZyraTalk,” said, “You have the option of going into the office, but the reality is the way that we’ve been functioning, the way that we’ve been doing meetings, everything has been done via online.” Brian’s workplace allows its workers to have an option if they want to go back or not, as long as they are cautious about it. Although, the workers decide to stay quarantined so they don’t put anyone at risk of catching the virus.

As far as Arizona is in COVID-19, the Governor is making sure the state is handling it slowly and safely. Public places will continue to open up and the state will continue to get back into a normal schedule again.

(Photo courtesy of Annie Payne)

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